Spot the Kitty is on the Move! Today’s Kitties Spotted in St. Petersburg, Russia

Spot the Kitty is out kitty-spotting again, this time in Russia! Our first stop on our Russian kitty tour: St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg is a beautiful city, but there don’t seem to be many cats out and about.  People, yes; cats, no. We did manage to spot a couple of nice kitties during our explorations:

Can you spot the St. Petersburg kitty?

Can you spot the St. Petersburg kitty?

this kitty scampered off before I could zoom in on him, but here is a tiny close-up.

This kitty scampered off before I could zoom in on him, but here is a tiny close-up.

Can you spot the St. Petersburg kitty?

Can you spot this St. Petersburg kitty?

This beautiful little fuzzball of a tabby seems content in her home in St. Petersburg

This beautiful little fuzzball of a tabby seems content in her home in St. Petersburg
