Kitty Meow-vie Reviews: Unfinished Business

Baker and Lance review Unfinished Business

Baker and Lance review Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business is a meandering look at the funny side of big business. Vince Vaughn plays Dan Trunkman, a small business owner who discovers that he has a lot of people relying on him. Find out all about it on IMDb.

Lance: This movie was great. There was just enough space on the sofa for me to curl up between my humans and it gave me a solid 91 minutes of evening nap time, with scritches. Two paws up!

Baker: My human laughed loudly throughout the movie, but it didn’t disturb my rest. Two paws up!



Kitty Meow-vie Reviews: Interstellar

Baker and Lance review Interstellar

Baker and Lance review Interstellar

“Apparently, Christopher Nolan’s brother, Jonathan, wrote most of the script, and then at the part where [spoiler spoiler spoiler], Christopher Nolan took over and wrote the rest, and that’s why it’s good right up to that point and then gets silly.” – Spot-the-Kitty artist Keeana Borrowman

If you want to know more, here is the link to the movie’s IMDB page.

Lance: This movie had a lot of stuff moving around on the screen that kept me amused for several minutes. After that I fell asleep for the rest of the film. Two paws up!

Baker: This movie provided a lot of opportunity for snuggling with my humans. Two paws up!

Libby: My kittens kept me occupied for most of the film, but it was long enough to allow me a moment to wander out to the living room and get a cuddle.
