Spot the Kitty is On the Move: Today’s Kitty Spotted in Moscow, Russia!

Not a lot of kitties to spot in Moscow. It has been rainy for most of our visit, which might explain why the kitties are hiding. Or maybe Moskovites just prefer to keep their kitties indoors.

However, walking past a field on our way to our hostel, we did see one intrepid little cat stalking some prey in the grass. Can you spot her?

Can you spot the Moscow kitty?

Can you spot the Moscow kitty?

Here she is, stalking prey in the grass!

Here she is, stalking prey in the grass!

She also stalked a scritch behind the ear after she spotted us spotting her!

She also stalked a scritch behind the ear after she spotted us spotting her!


Spot the Kitty is on the Move! Today’s Kitties Spotted in St. Petersburg, Russia

Spot the Kitty is out kitty-spotting again, this time in Russia! Our first stop on our Russian kitty tour: St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg is a beautiful city, but there don’t seem to be many cats out and about.  People, yes; cats, no. We did manage to spot a couple of nice kitties during our explorations:

Can you spot the St. Petersburg kitty?

Can you spot the St. Petersburg kitty?

this kitty scampered off before I could zoom in on him, but here is a tiny close-up.

This kitty scampered off before I could zoom in on him, but here is a tiny close-up.

Can you spot the St. Petersburg kitty?

Can you spot this St. Petersburg kitty?

This beautiful little fuzzball of a tabby seems content in her home in St. Petersburg

This beautiful little fuzzball of a tabby seems content in her home in St. Petersburg
